Foreclosure Defense in Bridgeport Connecticut

In Foreclosure? Fight Back, Call Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Lisa Gustafson

Connecticut Attorney Lisa Gustafson knows exactly what it feels like to dread the foreclosure of your home. The truth is that you have options, and many of them do not require you to give up your home and assets. Contact our credit relief law firm today to learn what is available to you. Our Brisgeport, CT foreclosure defense law firm takes pride in helping clients regain financial stability. We look forward to hearing from you.

Foreclosure Defense Strategies in Bridgeport, CT

Our foreclosure defense law firm is always coming up with innovative strategies for foreclosure defense. The following strategies might be applicable to your situation:

  • The correct procedure was not followed for foreclosure in Connecticut
  • Unfair or unjust mortgage terms or undue hardship circumstances are recognized as a valid defense against foreclosure
  • Military Duty: foreclosure may be postponed, allowing you time to get ahead on your mortgage
  • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy stops foreclosure immediately

It is in your best interest to contact a Bridgeport, CT foreclosure defense attorney. We can discuss with you a strategy for your unique situation that is designed to stop the foreclosure of your Connecticut home and get you back on your feet. Our priority is to protect your rights against creditors and help you make informed legal decisions regarding your financial welfare.

Contact our Bridgeport, CT Foreclosure Defense & Bankruptcy Law Firm

Our bankruptcy attorneys know that just because we live in the Sunshine State does not mean that every day is sunny and worry-free. Call today to find out how we may be able to help you keep your home.

Contact the team at Gustafson Law Offices, LLC today at 203-403-6940 to discuss your financial dilemma and debt relief options. We offer comprehensive bankruptcy services, foreclosure defense, and cater services to meet each client’s individual needs.